0303 Numbers
0303 numbers are special use landline numbers that are not tied to any geographic location. This means that when you receive a call from a 0303 number, you have no way of knowing where it’s coming from. These numbers are used for government bodies, charities, public sector, and not-for-profit organizations and are in use across the UK. While the numbers aren’t tied to any geographic location, they don’t cost any more to call than standard, geographic-based landline numbers, like 01 or 02 numbers.
Since 0303 numbers don’t cost any more to call than a normal home or business landline, that means they are often included in call packages if you’re calling from a landline, or in included ‘talktime’ or bundled minutes when calling from a mobile.
0303 numbers were introduced as an alternative to chargeable 084 and 087 numbers. 0300 numbers let companies have a single point of contact for customers or interested parties without having to charge people extra to call them.
Calling costs for 0303 numbers
While a 0303 number is not categorized as a freephone number, calling them will not result in any added charges. Any 0303 number you call should be charged at your standard network rate. This applies to all 0303 numbers you call, no matter what the digits are afterwards.
Prefixes and Providers
Code | Provider | Assigned |
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0303 003 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 12/04/2007 |
0303 010 | One Network Limited | 17/05/2011 |
0303 020 | TelXL Ltd | 20/04/2007 |
0303 030 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0303 031 | Telecom2 Limited | 24/08/2009 |
0303 033 | Nextec UK Limited | 26/11/2013 |
0303 040 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 26/03/2007 |
0303 050 | Served Up Limited | 20/10/2008 |
0303 060 | Accounts Centre Limited | 16/07/2010 |
0303 080 | Colt Technology Services | 17/08/2021 |
0303 081 | Colt Technology Services | 17/08/2021 |
0303 082 | Colt Technology Services | 17/08/2021 |
0303 083 | Colt Technology Services | 17/08/2021 |
0303 100 | I-NET COMMUNICATIONS GROUP PLC | 21/07/2008 |
0303 123 | BT | 11/04/2007 |
0303 131 | Mintaka Limited | 30/12/2013 |
0303 141 | Atomstream Limited | 22/04/2010 |
0303 201 | TeleSurf Limited | 07/04/2010 |
0303 222 | Telecoms World Direct Ltd | 11/01/2011 |
0303 223 | Fuse 2 Communications Ltd | 16/10/2020 |
0303 232 | Business Broadcast Communications Limited | 16/10/2009 |
0303 300 | Nexus Telecommunications Limited | 30/12/2008 |
0303 303 | Windsor Telecom Ltd | 26/03/2007 |
0303 313 | Colt Technology Services | 26/03/2007 |
0303 330 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 20/02/2008 |
0303 333 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0303 334 | Storacall Technology Limited | 19/11/2009 |
0303 335 | Internet of Things Limited | 13/07/2021 |
0303 344 | Suretec Systems Ltd | 28/05/2010 |
0303 366 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 20/04/2017 |
0303 444 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 05/06/2009 |
0303 445 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 05/06/2009 |
0303 456 | BT | 15/02/2016 |
0303 555 | Telecoms World Direct Ltd | 25/06/2014 |
0303 666 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 20/04/2017 |
0303 770 | Content Guru Limited | 02/11/2007 |
0303 888 | Telecoms World PLC | 03/11/2009 |
0303 999 | Windsor Telecom Ltd | 17/10/2012 |