0370 Numbers
0370 numbers are special use landline numbers that are not tied to any geographic location. This means that when you receive a call from a 0370 number, you have no way of knowing where it’s coming from. These numbers are used for government bodies, charities, public sector, and not-for-profit organizations and are in use across the UK. While the numbers aren’t tied to any geographic location, they don’t cost any more to call than standard, geographic-based landline numbers, like 01 or 02 numbers.
Since 0370 numbers don’t cost any more to call than a normal home or business landline, that means they are often included in call packages if you’re calling from a landline, or in included ‘talktime’ or bundled minutes when calling from a mobile.
0370 numbers were introduced as an alternative to chargeable 084 and 087 numbers. 0300 numbers let companies have a single point of contact for customers or interested parties without having to charge people extra to call them.
Calling costs for 0370 numbers
While a 0370 number is not categorized as a freephone number, calling them will not result in any added charges. Any 0370 number you call should be charged at your standard network rate. This applies to all 0370 numbers you call, no matter what the digits are afterwards.
Prefixes and Providers
Code | Provider | Assigned |
Loading data… |
0370 000 | Lumen Technologies UK Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 001 | Lumen Technologies UK Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 005 | IV Response Limited | 23/05/2007 |
0370 010 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 011 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 012 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/01/2008 |
0370 013 | Virgin Media Limited | 18/07/2008 |
0370 015 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 016 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 017 | Redcentric Solutions Limited | 26/05/2016 |
0370 020 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 20/04/2017 |
0370 024 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 025 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 026 | Orange Business Holdings UK Limited | 26/02/2013 |
0370 027 | Syntec Limited | 19/06/2007 |
0370 029 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 032 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 033 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 034 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 20/02/2008 |
0370 035 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 038 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 040 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 041 | Swiftnet Ltd | 04/09/2007 |
0370 042 | Telecoms World PLC | 05/10/2007 |
0370 043 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 044 | Admiral Telecom Limited | 09/11/2007 |
0370 046 | Dynamic Mobile Billing Limited | 04/01/2008 |
0370 047 | Citrus Telecommunications Ltd | 08/11/2013 |
0370 048 | Verizon UK Limited | 17/04/2007 |
0370 049 | Verizon UK Limited | 17/04/2007 |
0370 050 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 051 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 052 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 053 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 054 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 055 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 056 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 058 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 060 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 061 | Alphatalk Limited | 25/03/2009 |
0370 062 | Dynamic Mobile Billing Limited | 04/01/2008 |
0370 063 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 30/07/2013 |
0370 064 | TelXL Ltd | 03/04/2014 |
0370 065 | Content Guru Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 066 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 067 | TelXL Ltd | 21/08/2008 |
0370 068 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 08/11/2007 |
0370 069 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 070 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 071 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 072 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 073 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 074 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 075 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 076 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 077 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 078 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 079 | Vodafone Limited | 13/08/2015 |
0370 080 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 082 | Nexus Telecommunications Limited | 12/07/2007 |
0370 084 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 085 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 086 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 087 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 088 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 090 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 092 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 27/01/2012 |
0370 093 | 24 Seven Communications Ltd | 04/10/2011 |
0370 094 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 096 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 097 | Redcentric Solutions Limited | 26/05/2016 |
0370 099 | Colt Technology Services | 25/04/2007 |
0370 101 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0370 102 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0370 103 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0370 104 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0370 105 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0370 106 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0370 107 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0370 108 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0370 109 | Digital Space Group Limited | 29/02/2016 |
0370 110 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 111 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 112 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 14/07/2008 |
0370 114 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 116 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 27/01/2012 |
0370 118 | Pulsant (Scotland) Limited | 10/08/2015 |
0370 120 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 121 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 122 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 123 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 124 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 125 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 126 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 127 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 128 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 129 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 130 | Colt Technology Services | 25/04/2007 |
0370 131 | Colt Technology Services | 25/04/2007 |
0370 132 | Colt Technology Services | 25/04/2007 |
0370 133 | Colt Technology Services | 25/04/2007 |
0370 134 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 135 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 136 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 137 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 138 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 139 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 140 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 141 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 142 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 143 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 145 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 146 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 147 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 148 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 149 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 150 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 151 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 152 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 153 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 154 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 155 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 156 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 157 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 158 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 159 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 160 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 161 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 162 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 163 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 164 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 165 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 166 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 167 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 168 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 169 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 170 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 175 | Telecom2 Limited | 22/10/2009 |
0370 176 | DRD Communications Limited | 26/07/2016 |
0370 178 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 179 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 182 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 24/02/2014 |
0370 183 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 17/07/2013 |
0370 184 | Nextec UK Limited | 12/05/2016 |
0370 186 | Core Telecom Limited | 19/02/2014 |
0370 188 | Dynamic Mobile Billing Limited | 04/01/2008 |
0370 190 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 191 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 192 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 194 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 195 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 196 | Virgin Media Limited | 18/07/2008 |
0370 197 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 198 | Citrus Telecommunications Ltd | 28/10/2016 |
0370 199 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 08/05/2014 |
0370 200 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 201 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 202 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 203 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 204 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 205 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 206 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 207 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 208 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 209 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 210 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 08/05/2014 |
0370 211 | Dynamic Mobile Billing Limited | 04/01/2008 |
0370 212 | Hospedia Limited | 07/09/2009 |
0370 213 | Numbers Telecom Limited | 11/02/2016 |
0370 214 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 218 | Core Telecom Limited | 25/11/2011 |
0370 220 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 222 | Colt Technology Services | 19/08/2015 |
0370 223 | Sky UK Limited | 11/12/2013 |
0370 224 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 20/02/2008 |
0370 225 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 20/04/2017 |
0370 226 | Business Broadcast Communications Limited | 05/11/2009 |
0370 231 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 232 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 233 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 05/02/2009 |
0370 234 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 235 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 30/07/2013 |
0370 236 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 30/07/2013 |
0370 237 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 238 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 239 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 240 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 241 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 242 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 243 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 245 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 05/02/2009 |
0370 246 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 247 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 248 | Telecom2 Limited | 22/10/2009 |
0370 249 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 251 | Redcentric Solutions Limited | 26/05/2016 |
0370 252 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 259 | 24 Seven Communications Ltd | 04/10/2011 |
0370 262 | Premier Voicemail Ltd | 23/10/2014 |
0370 263 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 264 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 266 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 267 | Lumen Technologies UK Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 268 | Lumen Technologies UK Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 269 | 24 Seven Communications Ltd | 16/06/2009 |
0370 270 | Virgin Media Limited | 18/07/2008 |
0370 271 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 272 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 273 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 274 | Virgin Media Limited | 14/05/2008 |
0370 275 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 276 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 277 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 278 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 279 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 282 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 283 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 284 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 30/07/2013 |
0370 285 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 30/07/2013 |
0370 286 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 30/07/2013 |
0370 288 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 01/06/2017 |
0370 290 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 291 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 292 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 293 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 294 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 295 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 10/02/2012 |
0370 298 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 300 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 301 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 302 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 303 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 304 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 305 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 306 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 307 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 308 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 309 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 310 | Alphatalk Limited | 30/01/2014 |
0370 312 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 314 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 315 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 316 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 319 | Dantec Enterprises Ltd | 25/09/2008 |
0370 320 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 321 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 323 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 324 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 325 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 330 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 331 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 333 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 334 | Citrus Telecommunications Ltd | 06/07/2007 |
0370 335 | IV Response Limited | 23/05/2007 |
0370 336 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 343 | Spitfire Network Services Limited | 22/09/2015 |
0370 344 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 345 | 4D INTERACTIVE LTD | 04/06/2007 |
0370 350 | Windsor Telecom Ltd | 04/09/2007 |
0370 351 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 352 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 353 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 357 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 359 | Dynamic Mobile Billing Limited | 04/01/2008 |
0370 360 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 361 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 27/01/2012 |
0370 365 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 366 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 368 | TTNC Limited | 01/10/2013 |
0370 369 | TTNC Limited | 01/10/2013 |
0370 376 | Verizon UK Limited | 17/04/2007 |
0370 380 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 381 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 13/04/2007 |
0370 382 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 383 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 08/05/2014 |
0370 385 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 18/06/2013 |
0370 386 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 387 | Barritel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 389 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 390 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 392 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 10/02/2012 |
0370 393 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 396 | Virgin Media Limited | 21/07/2008 |
0370 397 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 24/02/2014 |
0370 398 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 399 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 400 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 401 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 402 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 403 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 404 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 405 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 406 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 408 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 08/05/2014 |
0370 410 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 411 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 412 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 413 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 414 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 415 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 416 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 417 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 418 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 419 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 420 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 421 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 422 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 423 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 15/10/2013 |
0370 424 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 425 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 426 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 427 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 428 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 429 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 430 | Nexus Telecommunications Limited | 12/07/2007 |
0370 432 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 435 | Resilient PLC | 04/06/2007 |
0370 436 | Suretec Systems Ltd | 05/06/2015 |
0370 437 | QX Telecom Ltd | 30/11/2007 |
0370 438 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 440 | 24 Seven Communications Ltd | 20/10/2010 |
0370 442 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 443 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 444 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 446 | Digital Mail Limited | 28/04/2008 |
0370 448 | Inet Telecoms Ltd (Voipfone) | 17/12/2013 |
0370 458 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 460 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 464 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 465 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 25/03/2014 |
0370 468 | TTNC Limited | 01/10/2013 |
0370 471 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 08/11/2007 |
0370 472 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 474 | Barritel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 477 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 05/02/2009 |
0370 478 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 08/11/2007 |
0370 479 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 08/11/2007 |
0370 481 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 484 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 486 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 01/06/2017 |
0370 487 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 490 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 08/11/2007 |
0370 495 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 10/02/2012 |
0370 496 | Lumen Technologies UK Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 500 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 501 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 502 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 503 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 504 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 505 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 506 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 507 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 508 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 509 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 510 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 511 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 512 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 513 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 514 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 515 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 516 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 517 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 518 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 519 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 520 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 521 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 522 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 523 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 524 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 525 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 526 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 527 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 528 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 529 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 530 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 531 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 532 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 533 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 534 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 535 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 536 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 537 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 538 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 539 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 540 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 541 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 542 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 543 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 544 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 545 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 546 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 547 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 548 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 549 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 550 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 551 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 552 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 553 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 554 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 555 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 556 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 557 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 558 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 559 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 560 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 561 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 562 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 563 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 564 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 565 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 566 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 567 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 568 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 569 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 570 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 571 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 572 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 573 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 574 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 575 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 576 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 577 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 578 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 579 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 580 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 581 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 582 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 583 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 584 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 585 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 586 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 587 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 588 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 589 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 590 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 591 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 592 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 593 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 594 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 595 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 596 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 597 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 598 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 599 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 600 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 601 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 602 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 603 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 604 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 605 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 606 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 607 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 608 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 609 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 610 | Windsor Telecom Ltd | 13/06/2011 |
0370 611 | 24 Seven Communications Ltd | 16/06/2009 |
0370 612 | Square Systems Limited | 06/11/2008 |
0370 620 | Windsor Telecom Ltd | 30/03/2011 |
0370 621 | Number Solutions Ltd | 17/09/2007 |
0370 623 | TTNC Limited | 01/10/2013 |
0370 625 | Barritel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 626 | Commi Holdings Limited | 17/11/2016 |
0370 642 | Dynamic Mobile Billing Limited | 19/10/2018 |
0370 646 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 649 | Dynamic Mobile Billing Limited | 19/10/2018 |
0370 700 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 701 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 702 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 703 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 704 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 705 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 706 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 707 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 708 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 709 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 710 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 28/07/2014 |
0370 711 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 28/07/2014 |
0370 712 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 28/07/2014 |
0370 713 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 714 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 716 | TelXL Ltd | 21/08/2008 |
0370 720 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 721 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 722 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 723 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 724 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 725 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 726 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 727 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 728 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 729 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 13/12/2010 |
0370 730 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 731 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 732 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 733 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 734 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 735 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 736 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 737 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 738 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 739 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 740 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 741 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 742 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 743 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 744 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 745 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 746 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 747 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 25/09/2008 |
0370 748 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 749 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 750 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 751 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 752 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 753 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 754 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 755 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 756 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 757 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 758 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 759 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 760 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 13/08/2015 |
0370 761 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 763 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 765 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 766 | Nexus Telecommunications Limited | 09/09/2008 |
0370 767 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 769 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 770 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 20/02/2008 |
0370 771 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 774 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 20/02/2008 |
0370 775 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 776 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 777 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 20/02/2008 |
0370 778 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 779 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 780 | Buzz Networks Limited | 27/08/2008 |
0370 781 | Buzz Networks Limited | 27/08/2008 |
0370 785 | Lumen Technologies UK Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 787 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 15/10/2013 |
0370 789 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |
0370 794 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 800 | WAVECREST NETWORKS LIMITED | 17/12/2019 |
0370 801 | WAVECREST NETWORKS LIMITED | 17/12/2019 |
0370 803 | Nexus Telecommunications Limited | 12/07/2007 |
0370 804 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 05/02/2009 |
0370 805 | Nexus Telecommunications Limited | 12/07/2007 |
0370 808 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 811 | Syntec Limited | 19/06/2007 |
0370 812 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 814 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 815 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 818 | Colt Technology Services | 24/04/2007 |
0370 820 | Voxbone SA | 08/07/2021 |
0370 821 | Served Up Limited | 14/10/2008 |
0370 823 | Telecoms World Direct Ltd | 20/11/2008 |
0370 825 | Barritel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 828 | Redwood Technologies Ltd | 20/11/2018 |
0370 829 | Nodemax Limited | 08/07/2008 |
0370 830 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 831 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 832 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 833 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 834 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 835 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 836 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 837 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 838 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 839 | Affiniti Integrated Solutions Limited | 14/05/2007 |
0370 840 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 841 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 842 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 843 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 844 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 845 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 846 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 847 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 848 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 849 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 850 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 851 | BT | 10/04/2007 |
0370 853 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 855 | Vodafone Ltd (Thus) | 07/02/2012 |
0370 857 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 06/07/2015 |
0370 860 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 863 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 20/02/2008 |
0370 864 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 20/02/2008 |
0370 866 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 869 | Virgin Media Limited | 23/07/2008 |
0370 870 | Verizon UK Limited | 17/04/2007 |
0370 871 | Verizon UK Limited | 17/04/2007 |
0370 872 | Verizon UK Limited | 17/04/2007 |
0370 873 | Verizon UK Limited | 17/04/2007 |
0370 874 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 875 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 10/02/2012 |
0370 876 | Eircom (UK) Limited | 26/06/2007 |
0370 879 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 880 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 881 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 887 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 888 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 889 | Virgin Media Limited | 08/04/2016 |
0370 890 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 891 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 892 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 893 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 894 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 895 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 896 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 897 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 898 | Six Degrees Technology Group Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 899 | SKD 4 Limited | 08/04/2020 |
0370 900 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 901 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 17/09/2013 |
0370 902 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 16/09/2013 |
0370 903 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 16/09/2013 |
0370 904 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 16/09/2013 |
0370 905 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 16/09/2013 |
0370 906 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 16/09/2013 |
0370 907 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 16/09/2013 |
0370 908 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 16/09/2013 |
0370 909 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 16/09/2013 |
0370 911 | BT | 03/06/2010 |
0370 912 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 14/10/2015 |
0370 913 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 14/10/2015 |
0370 915 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 14/10/2015 |
0370 916 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 14/10/2015 |
0370 917 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 14/10/2015 |
0370 918 | Sports Tel Ltd | 15/11/2010 |
0370 920 | Verizon UK Limited | 17/04/2007 |
0370 921 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 14/10/2015 |
0370 922 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 925 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 926 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 14/10/2015 |
0370 927 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 14/10/2015 |
0370 928 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 14/10/2015 |
0370 933 | Barritel Limited | 10/12/2015 |
0370 934 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 20/02/2008 |
0370 935 | Daisy Communications Ltd | 30/04/2014 |
0370 937 | Solutios Limited | 06/10/2008 |
0370 942 | Call Stream Limited | 30/06/2014 |
0370 944 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 947 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 08/05/2014 |
0370 948 | GCI Network Solutions Ltd | 03/05/2017 |
0370 949 | FleXtel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 950 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 951 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 06/05/2014 |
0370 953 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 06/05/2014 |
0370 956 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 06/05/2014 |
0370 958 | Digital Space Group Limited | 28/09/2007 |
0370 961 | Vodafone Ltd (C&W) | 06/05/2014 |
0370 974 | Magrathea Telecommunications Limited | 08/11/2007 |
0370 975 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 977 | Invade International Ltd | 13/01/2016 |
0370 978 | Barritel Limited | 10/04/2007 |
0370 979 | Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd | 17/07/2013 |
0370 980 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 981 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 982 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 983 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 984 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 985 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 986 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 987 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 988 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 989 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 990 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 991 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 992 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 993 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 994 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 11/07/2008 |
0370 996 | TalkTalk Communications Limited | 28/04/2014 |
0370 997 | Maximus Communications Ltd | 05/06/2015 |
0370 998 | Vodafone Ltd (Energis) | 26/04/2007 |